How do you feel?

How do you feel? No really – how are you feeling?

As a part of your overall wellness journey, we invite you to sit back and think for a minute about how you are feeling. What do you do in life that contributes to you feeling well and what do you do in life that contributes to you feeling not as well (or even poorly)? 

Let’s be honest: alcohol has the ability to make you feel good. We challenge you to think – does the good outweigh the bad?

It might for some people and that’s ok. It might not for some people and that’s ok too.

Does alcohol make it easier for you to make small talk at a party? Well, that’s ok and it’s a societal “norm,” whether that’s good or bad. Maybe you’ll challenge yourself to go to a party (one party, people. It’s not that much.) and not drink alcohol. See what happens and see how you feel. And – see how much better you sleep afterwards!

Alcohol has a tendency to be in the center of a lot of professional activities. How much of a better salesperson are you when you can take your clients out for drinks (and how much more do they buy when they had had a few)? But are you at the top of your game when you have been drinking?

Maybe you’re a teenager (or maybe even younger than that) and you have just made the football team. Is pounding a few beers making your practices as successful the next day? You’re working out. You’re eating right. You’re lifting weights and doing everything your coaching staff has asked you to do. You’re making all these steps in the right direction. If something derails that direction, would you want to think about changing it up?

It might be as big as looking at your life goals and figuring out what is contributing to them and what might not be. It might be more simple than that. How better might your Saturday morning yoga class feel if you didn’t drink alcohol the night before? Sit back. Assess your decisions in life and ask yourself – “how do I feel?”

Our podcast is meant to ask you questions and get you thinking about all sorts of stuff in life. What questions has it made you ask yourself?

Get in on the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


30 Day Challenge

