New Year, New You: How to Have a Healthy Relationship With Alcohol in 2023
Taking a second look at your relationship with drinking in 2023? Explore our New Year, New You guide for how to have a healthy relationship with alcohol in 2023.

Overcoming Social Pressure: How to Answer “Why Aren’t You Drinking?” or “Just Have One”
The holidays are full of occasions where alcohol seems to be everywhere. Learn how to deal with the pressure to drink and stick to your goals this time of year.

How to Have Fun Without Alcohol This Holiday Season
It can be hard to figure out how to have fun without alcohol, especially during the holidays. Check out these ideas for an alcohol-free holiday season.

Finding Balance in Life on Your Journey to Wellness
When you take steps to finding balance in your life, it can help to shift your energy to making your well being a priority. Here’s how to begin your journey to wellness.

Getting That Beach Body: How Going Alcohol-Free Can Help Your Physical Health
We know that alcohol can affect mental health, but it also affects physical health. Here’s how going alcohol-free can improve the way you look, feel, and age.

Watch and Listen on our new YouTube Channel
Check out our new YouTube channel, where we feature our two part episode with special guest William Burleson, just in time for Back to School.

Trauma & Alcohol Go Hand-in-Hand: How to Break the Cycle
The connection between trauma and alcohol runs deep. Learn about the relationship between the two and how to stop the cycle of trauma and alcohol use.

The Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Families
Alcohol consumption affects more than the person using it. Families typically end up experiencing the effects of a loved one’s alcohol consumption. Learn more.

Mental and Emotional Effects of Alcohol
Alcohol doesn’t just provide those temporary good feelings we often seek. Here’s how it can impact the way we cope and our mental and emotional health.

Mouth vs Brain
Want to know one of the ways alcohol can affect you that you might not even think about?
Anyone you know take a SSRI for anxiety or depression? A SSRI is a “selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor.” It blocks the serotonin from being picked up so quickly and destroyed.

30 Day Challenge
According to the National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism, drinking “too much” is more than 3 drinks a day for women and more than 7 drinks in a week. For men, it’s drinking more than 4 drinks a day or 14 drinks in a week.

How do you feel?
How do you feel? No really – how are you feeling?
As a part of your overall wellness journey, we invite you to sit back and think for a minute about how you are feeling. What do you do in life that contributes to you feeling well and what do you do in life that contributes to you feeling not as well (or even poorly)?

Welcome to the Champagne Problems Podcast! We are Robbie Shaw, Patrick Balsley and Sam Hampson and we’re your co-hosts. Professionally, we collectively work in the mental health, addiction and wellness professions and we want to meet you where you are with your own personal journey, in a judgment-free zone.