Mouth vs Brain

Want to know one of the ways alcohol can affect you that you might not even think about? 

Anyone you know take a SSRI for anxiety or depression? A SSRI is a “selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor.” It blocks the serotonin from being picked up so quickly and destroyed. If you have more serotonin in the synapses, it can help with depression or anxiety. You steal the next day's serotonin from drinking alcohol. It’s a depressant. The next morning, you wake up and you take Prozac for anxiety, but if there's not that much serotonin to block the re-uptake. The medication is not going to work.

You’re basically taking an anti-depressant and pouring a depressant on top of it. Can you imagine what your body must be thinking?

“Hey, Mouth?”

“Yeah, Brain?”

“We have been feeling sort of down lately and a medical professional prescribed an anti-depressant to help regulate our serotonin levels. It makes us feel better and more happy when our serotonin levels are regulated.”

“Well, that sounds like a good idea, Brain.”

“Mouth, every time you drink a beer, you pour a depressant on top of our anti-depressant. It cancels each other out. I would say ‘think about it’ but I just remembered who I’m talking to.”

“Sorry, Brain. Maybe I should take a break from the booze!”

“Good idea, Mouth.”

We have to ask – what has your brain been telling you lately? Gotten any good advice?


Mental and Emotional Effects of Alcohol


30 Day Challenge